English 101: Essay #3

For your third essay, you have three (3) options:

1.) Re-read Henry Jenkins' "Convergence Culture," and then write an essay in which you argue for or against his proposition that "concentration of the ownership of mainstream commercial media" (443) is turning you-topia into just another way for the corporate world to make money. To develop your ideas, also consult Brian Williams' "Enough About You" and Steven Johnson's "It's All About Us."

2.) Write an essay that proposes an answer to Brian Williams' concluding question in "Enough About You:" "The whole notion of 'media' is now much more democratic, but what will the effect be on democracy?" (450). To develop your ideas, also consult Henry Jenkins' "Convergence Culture" and Steven Johnson's "It's All About Us."

3.) In "Enough About You," Brian Williams insists that "Americans have decided the most important person in their lives is . . . them, and our culture is now built upon that idea" (449). Write an essay in which you make an argument about the positive and negative impact of such social media as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. on American culture. To develop your ideas, you may, in addition to the Williams essay, also want to consult Henry Jenkins' "Convergence Culture" and Steven Johnson's "It's All About Us."

The requirements for the essay are as follows:

Regardless of which option you choose, here are a few things you should keep in mind as you are writing your essay:

For the first essay, you will be required to read and make comments on the rough drafts of your classmates' essays. To do so, you will need to access the discussion forum and post your comments in the conference folder entitled "Essay Three Drafts."