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In order to do well in an economics course you must practice. Many students have read the book, maybe more than once, and failed the exams. Think of economics like a you would a math class. You would never just read a math textbook and not do any problems before taking an exam. If you did you would probably fail. I am not saying that there is a lot of math (but some) in this course, but you must do problems or you will not really learn the concepts. DO PROBLEMS.


  • YELLOW PAGES (Be sure to check your answers. Answers are on Blackboard)

I have also prepared many extra practice activities for you. ALL can be found on our Blackboard site in a section of the main menu called: AFTER CLASS. There you will find the following:

Also, there are review quizzes (Thinkwell Exercises) for most of the online video lectures (VIDEO LOGIN)

Study Guide and Textbook Practice Questions:
There are also good questions found in our textbook, the textbook website, and in the optional textbook Study guide that you may purchase (paperback, or online for about $15, see syllabus). I have reviewed these sources and selected problems that we have covered inour readings and videos and that will be similar to those found on the exams and quizzes.

 UNIT 1: Economics and Globalization

Chapter 1 - The 5Es of Economics

Chapter 2 - Economic Systems and Globalization XXXX

Chapter 3 - The Efficiency of Markets: Supply and Demand

Chapter 20 - TRADE: Specialization and Exchange

Chapter 5 - The Public Sector (Government): Role and Finance (includes parts of chapters 5, 22W, 3, and micro Ch.16)

 UNIT 2:  Unit 2 – An Introduction to Macroeconomics

Chapter 6 - An Introduction to Macroeconomics

Chapter 12 - AS/AD

Chapter 9 - Unemployment and Inflation

Chapter 7 - Measuring the Economy

Chapters 8 - Economic Growth

Web Chapter 22W - Economic Growth in the Less Developed Countries

 UNIT 3: Monetary Policy

Chapters 14 - Money Market

Chapter 15 How Banks Create Money

Chapter 16 - Monetary Policy


 UNIT 4: Fiscal Policy

 Chapter 10 - The Spending Multiplier

Chapter 13 - Fiscal Policy