Unit 3: Macroeconomic Policy

Lesson 10a: Fiscal Policy - The Spending Multiplier

Something Interesting - Why are we studying this?


We know that GDP = C + Ig + G + Xn.

Assume GDP is currently $400 billion:
GDP = C + Ig + G + Xn. = $400

If when the economy is at full employment GDP equals $500 billion, then what increase in investment spending (Ig) is needed to achieve full employment?

ANSWER: Much less than $100.

In this lesson you will learn how an increase in spending (like an increase in investment) is MULTIPLIED as it works its way through the economy.

The muliplier can work in reverse as well. A small decrease in spending will cause a big decrease in GDP.

Read: The Multiplier Effect (in reverse)



Lesson 10a