Unit 2: Introduction to Macroeconomics

Lesson 12a: The AD/AS Model - The Graphs and the AD Determinants

Outcomes - What you should learn


- UE, IN, and EG (Ch 6)
- The business cycle: short-run changes in UE and IN and long-run EG (Ch. 9)
- A model of the macro-economy: AD and its determinants (Ch. 12)


What is the "miracle of modern economic growth"?

Economic growth, the choice between present and future consumption, and the role of saving and investment.

Unemployment, inflation and the business cycle: peak, recession, trough, and expansion (recovery); long run growth trend

Causes of the business cycle: demand shocks and price stickiness

Define, draw, and describe the shape, and understand the determinants of the AD curve
[Define, Draw, Describe, Determinants]

How does the AS/AD model of chapter 12 differ from the S/D model of chapter 3?



Lesson 12a