Unit 2: Introduction to Macroeconomics

Lesson 12c: The AD/AS Model - Stabilization Policies and AS/AD in the Long Run

Assignments: Readings


Ch. 13, pp. (288-293, (19th, 258-261), "Fiscal Policy and the AD-AS Model"

Ch. 18, pp. 416-420, (19th, 374-378), "Taxation and Aggregate Supply" (Supply-Side Economics)

Ch. 18, pp. 404-410, (19th, 362-368), "From Short Run to Long Run", "Applying the Extended AS-AS Model"

Ch. 18, pp. 411-416, (19th, 368-374, " The Inflation-Unemployment Relationship" (The Phillips Curve)

Summary of Macroeconomic Policy

Lecture Outline



Lesson 12c