Unit 3: Macroeconomic Policy

Lesson 16b: Monetary Policy - Other Monetary Policy Issues

Assignments: Video Lectures


OPTIONAL 11.1.2 Theoretical Explanations for Cycles 10:09 [MyNotes]

11.5.4 The Quantity Theory of Money 11:58 [MyNotes]

15.5.1 New Keynesians versus Monetarists 11:23 [MyNotes]

15.5.2 New Classical Macroeconomics 8:31 [MyNotes]

15.5.3 Case Study: Policy in the Great Depression 8:22 [MyNotes]

15.4.5 Hot Topic: Should Monetary Policy Be Made by Rule or Discretion? 5:03 [MyNotes]

MJM 25 Macroeconomic Viewpoints 7:06 [YouTube mjmfoodie] [MyNotes]
Does the economy self-adjust? If so, what is the role for the government if the economy is not where we'd like it to be? This video takes a brief look at two different schools of economic thought.



Lesson 16b