Unit 1: Economics and Globalization

Lesson 1b: How to Reduce Scarcity - Introduction to Economics and the 5Es

Key Problems


How EQUITY Increases Society's Satisfaction

How does a fair distribution of goods and services increase society's satisfation? Since it is difficult for us to agree on a definition of "fairness", let me see if I can come up with an extreme example on which we can all agree. What if President Trump owned everything? I mean EVERYTHING - all the land, all the buildings, all the food, all the clothes all the cars, -- everything in the country. Therefore, the rest of us own nothing. We are homeless, starving, and naked. Not a pretty picture, but I think we can all agree that this is NOT FAIR (not equitable)?

Now, let's say that President Trump gives us each a pair of pants. We should be able to agree that this is MORE FAIR, more equitable. So what happens to society's satisfaction when we go from NOT FAIR to MORE FAIR? By "society" I mean all of us, including President Trump. The 300 million of us who received the pants are more satisfied since each of us has a pair of pants, but President Trump is less satisfied because he has 300 million fewer pairs of pants.

So what happens to society's TOTAL satisfaction? "Society" is us and Trump. It depends on HOW MUCH happier we are and HOW MUCH less happy President Trump is. This brings us to the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility (you may want to look this up in the index of your textbook).

Utility is the reason we consume a good or service. You might call it the satisfaction that we get when we consume something. I get satisfaction (utility) when I drive my boat. I get utility (satisfaction) when I go to the dentist.

"Marginal" means EXTRA or ADDITIONAL. So if I drive my boat a second time I get some additional (marginal) utility.

According to the law of diminishing marginal utility, the EXTRA (not the total) utility diminishes for each additional unit consumed. The first time I drive my boat in the spring I really enjoy it. But after a few weekends of boating it doesn't give me as much additional satisfaction as the first time. I still go boating. My total utility still goes up. But the MARGINAL (extra) utility I get from one more day goes down.

Back to the President Trump Example. Since we start with no pants, the FIRST PAIR we get from President Trump gives us A LOT of utility (satisfaction). But, since President Trump STILL HAS BILLIONS of pairs of pants left, giving us 300 million causes his utility (satisfaction) to go down only A LITTLE. Therefore, when we went from NOT FAIR to MORE FAIR we gained more satisfaction than Trump lost. Overall, a more fair distribution of pants caused society's total utility (remember, "society" includes all of us AND President Trump ) to increase.



Lesson 1b