Unit 1: Economics and Globalization

Lesson 20a: Why We Trade - Comparative Advantage



In Lesson 2a we learned about the following Structural Adjustment Policies and the following characteristics of capitalist economies:

Structural Adjustment Policies:
- Privatization
- Promotion of Competition
- Reduced Role of Government
- Removing Price Controls
- FREER TRADE and Convertible Currency
- Foreign Investment

Characteristics of Capitalist Economies:
- private property
- freedom of enterprise and choice
- role of self interest
- competition -
- markets and prices
- limited role for government

In this lesson we will study trade.Trade increases competition and helps the world's economies achieve PRODUCTIVE EFFICIENCY (producing at a minimum cost by using resources where they are best suited). Therefore it is an important concept to study in any introductory economics course.

We will learn that trade based on COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE can help the world PRODUCE MORE from the same amount of resources. Trade allows all countries to consume beyond their production possibilities (point E on the graph below).

How is that possible?

We will also learn that even if a country is better at producing all products, it is still possible for it to come out ahead if it specializes and trades with other (less productive) countries.

How is that possible?

That is why there has been a trend over several decades of the world moving to ward freer and freer trade.



Lesson 20a