Unit 1: Economics and Globalization

Lesson 20b: International Trade and Foreign Exchange Markets

Outcomes - What you should learn


- Facts About Trade
- Trade Restrictions
- Exchange Rates
- Trade Deficits


summarize the importance of international trade to the U.S. in terms of overall volume and major trading partners.

list the major imports and exports of the United States and identify the major its major trading partners

identify types of trade barriers

describe the economic impact of tariffs, including both direct and indirect effects.

contrast the economic impact of a quota with that of a tariff.

list six arguments in favor of protectionist barriers, and critically evaluate each

who gains from trade restrictions? who loses?

the two most popular arguments against free trade are (1) we need to restrict trade to crease more jobs here, and (2) how can our workers compete against workers who are paid only a few dollars a day? Why do these two argments make NO ECONOMIC SENSE?

why are import quotas more restrictive than tarriffs?

identify the costs of protectionist policies and their effects on income distribution.

understand the benefits and problems of a "strong dollar" and a "weak dollar"

what causes exchange rates to appreciate and depreciate?

understand the causes and effects of trade deficits



Lesson 20b