Unit 1: Economics and Globalization

Lesson 20b: International Trade and Foreign Exchange Markets

Key Problems


Using Demand and Supply Graphs to Show Why Exchange Rates Change

DETERMINANTS of EXCHANGE RATES: The Foreign Exchange Market

When Americans buy foreign products or make financial investments overseas we demand foreign currency and supply dollars

When foreigners buy American products or make financial investments in the U.S. they demand dollars and supply their currency

DETERMINANTS: Why would Americans demand foreign currency and supply dollars?

To buy more foreign products: PPINT
  • Lower prices overseas, higher prices in the US (Pog subs)
  • Increase in US incomes (I = Income)
  • Increase in tastes for foreign goods (T = tastes)

To invest financially overseas:

  • Higher interest rates overseas, lower interest rates in the US

DETERMINANTS: Why would foreigners demand dollars and supply their currency?

To buy more US products: PPINT
  • Lower prices in US, higher prices in their country (Pog subs)
  • Increase in their incomes (I - Income)
  • Increase in tastes for US goods (T=tastes))

To invest financially in the US:

  • Higher interest rates in US, lower interest rates in their country


- The demand for $ by Mexicans is the same as the supply of pesos. They supply pesos when they buy $.

- The demand for pesos by Americans is the same as the supply of $. We supply $ when we buy pesos.



Lesson 20b