Unit 1: Economics and Globalization

Lesson 3b: Supply

Assignments: Video Lectures


2.2.1 Understanding the Determinants of Supply 7:25 [MyNotes]

2.2.2 Deriving a Supply Curve 9:49 [MyNotes]

2.2.3 Understanding a Change in Supply versus a Change in Quantity Supplied 6:52 [MyNotes]

2.2.4 Analyzing Changes in Other Supply Variables 8:47 [MyNotes]

2.2.5 Deriving a Market Supply Curve from Individual Supply Curves 7:16 [MyNotes]


AC Econ 2.2 Demand and Supply Explained (2 of 2) (4:54 but just watch up to 2:45)

EP AP Macro-Economics - Determinants of Supply [YouTube - ExamPop]

KA Factors affecting supply (6:57) NOTE : It looks like the supply graph is labelled "D", but that is just point D (A, B, C, D) on the supply curve.



Lesson 3b