Harper College


2021 Summer Camps

We are proud to announce the IDEAShop Summer Camp Program for 2021. These camps are designed for ambitious high school and middle school students seeking opportunities to learn high-demand technical skills in a fun and challenging environment. Spend your summer at Harper in these exciting camps as you embark on your journey as an engineer, computer scientist, roboticist, or entrepreneur. Learn career skills and critical life skills like teamwork, problem-solving and perseverance. Sign up soon since enrollment is VERY limited. We can’t wait to see what you will accomplish this summer!

Please click on the title to take you to our enrollment site.

Limited needs-based scholarships are available, please apply here: Scholarship Application.



We offer two main camp tracks for high school students: Additive Manufacturing and Autonomous Robotics. The tracks are designed so you can take just one camp or any combination of the camps in a track. NO camp will require that you take a previous camp.


Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
  7/12 7/19 7/26 8/2                           8/9       
Autonomous Robotics Python for AI Machine Learning & AI Computer Vision Self-Driving Cars With Duckietown
Additive Manufacturing     Build Open-Source 3D Printers    

Autonomous Robotics Track

Duckietown bot


Take only one camp or all four in this ambitious and exciting 5-week track you start by learning basic Python programming skills and advance through the track until you are programming self-driving cars in the final 2-week camp. All camps require some previous experience with computer programming.

Here is your roadmap:

IDEAShop: Python Programming for AI *** CANCELED ***

Please consider our computer vision camp below that covers many of the same topics.

Join us this summer to learn the language of data scientists – Python. You will learn practical usage of Python programming by coding real examples. You will learn how to leverage the breadth of powerful software libraries used in the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and robotics like NumPy, OpenCV and PyTorch. You will also learn how to use the popular tools of AI practitioners like Jupyter Notebooks, StackOverflow, GIThub, and more.

Canceled  9:00 am-12:00pm  LMK0040  $149.00

IDEAShop: Artificial Intelligence, the Mind in the Machine

In this introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, you will learn about the applications and potential for AI. You will explore the challenges of image analysis and build data sets to train machine learning algorithms. You will study applications in machine learning and augmented reality. From facial recognition to autonomous cars, artificial intelligence is everywhere around us!

07/19-07/23  9:00 am-4:00pm  $149.00

IDEAShop: Computer Vision, Cameras, and Code (ONLINE LIVE)

This exciting computer vision camp introduces you to the visual world behind the lens of a digital camera. You will develop working applications using the Python programming language and powerful software packages including OpenCV, scikit-image, scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and more. You will build working computer vision pipelines that count objects, classify images, and track motion. Each day, you will learn a new topic, achieve learning milestones, and complete coding challenges. There is no limit to what you can do with creativity, cameras, and keyboards in this 1-week summer camp course! Taught by David Hoffman the co-author of “Raspberry Pi for Computer Vision” published by PyImageSearch.

07/26-07/30  9:00 am-12:00pm  LMK0041  $169.00

IDEAShop: Self-Driving Cars with Duckietown Powered by Nvidia (2 weeks)

Join the next great revolution in transportation technology with Duckietown! Duckietown is the non-threatening autonomous vehicle learning platform developed at MIT where rubber duckies are the pedestrians. Understand the terminology and technology behind self-driving cars. Write real code to control your Duckiebot robot car. Learn control theory, machine learning, computer vision, and more. By the end of the camp, you will understand how these different disciplines work in concert to allow a car to drive itself and have fun competing against your fellow campers.

08/02-08/13  9:00 am-4:00pm  $449.00

powered by nvidiaDuckietown

Additive Manufacturing Track

Learn how to build 3D printers.

Come join us this summer at Harper College to take the first step in your journey as an open-source machine designer and builder. These hands-on camps will teach you basic skills for designing and building computer-controlled machines like 3D printers and CNC mills. Basic computer skills and the ability to focus and follow directions are required for both camps.

Limited needs-based scholarships are available, please apply here: Scholarship Application.


IDEAShop: Design and Build Open-Source 3D Printers

In this fast-paced and jam-packed camp, you will learn skills in digital fabrication, materials selection, 3D model design, and model preparation for 3D printing, but you will also learn so much more. You will learn how to design and build 3D printers and CNC machines from scratch by building your very own open-source delta 3D printer. Discover how the mechanical inner workings of the frame, motion system, motors, electronics, and firmware work in concert to enable your printer produce amazing parts. At the end of the camp, you will not only go home with a 3D printer, but with the knowledge of how to fix it, maintain it, upgrade it, or even build an entirely new printer of your own design. The ability to use hand tools like screwdrivers and pliers is required for this camp.

07/26-07/30  9:00 am-4:00pm  LMK0044  $499.00

powered by ic3dGCMS



Come join our exciting and fun camps where you will learn what it means to be and engineer, scientist or entrepreneur. You will learn technical skills, but also careers in these high-demand fields. These camps are in-person and targeted to ages 11 to 15.


Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

7/12 7/19 7/26 8/2 8/9
Arduino Girls Girls in Engineering Entrepreneur
Build a 3D Printer Coding Drones


IDEAShop: Arduino Programming Powered by TechGirlz

In this camp, middle school girls will learn programming, basic electronics, and engineering using the Arduino microcontroller. Students will build an obstacle avoiding robot controlled by an Arduino microcontroller. Students will learn about product design and careers in the electronics industry. On the final day campers will show off their robot to fellow campers and their parents.

07/12-07/16  9:00 am-4:00 pm  LKD0248  $149.00

TechGirlzNBT Foundation

IDEASHOP: Girls in Engineering Powered by TechGirlz

Creative middle school girls with an interest in engineering will dive into the engineering design process through hands-on activities and learn about career opportunities as an engineer. Students will learn to think like an engineer by designing and building a roller coaster using common materials, creating and printing 3D models, making wearable electronics, and learning artificial intelligence.

07/19-07/23  9:00 am-4:00 pm   LKD0249   $149.00

TechGirlzNBT Foundation

IDEAShop: Become an Entrepreneur Maker

This Summer Camp puts tools and technology into the hands of middle-schoolers and lets them take the lead in creating new ideas and building their own businesses in a supportive, professional environment. During this weeklong day camp, students will go from idea generation to presentation of their prototype and business plan under the guidance of experienced facilitators and developers. On the last day, we will invite parents and the local community to attend virtually as the students present their businesses to compete for a prize!

07/26-07/30  9:00 am-4:00 pm   LKD0250   $149.00

IDEAShop: Build Your Own 3D Printer

Have you ever dreamt of having your very own 3D printer? In this exciting class, you will build your own Ender3 3D printer (proposed) from a kit and take it home when completed. Learn the fundamentals of how 3D printers work and the essentials of using CAD (computer-aided design). The first thing you print will be your own creation. A thorough discussion on the usage of your new printer and ways to upgrade it will be covered so you are comfortable using the machine once you have it at home.

08/02-08/06  9:00 am-12:00 pm  LKD0077  $349.00

Coding with Drones

This exciting course will allow you to program fun and useful missions using block programming on a Tello drone. You will command the drone to perform a variety of different missions as you learn how to use geometry to determine the best angle to tilt the drone camera, how to loop commands, how to fly in a star pattern, how to take panoramas using the drone camera, and much more. Students will use drones during class times, but do not get to keep their own drones at the completion of the class. You will work in small groups on all projects. 

08/09-08/13  9:00 am-12:00 pm  LKD0180 - 013  $149.00



  • Please contact us at innovate@harpercollege.edu if you have any questions or would like to request accommodations.
  • Some camps are offered in an ONLINE LIVE format taught in real-time with an instructor and teaching assistant.
  • In-person camps will be held in rooms with enhanced safety features and protocols. Special safety rules must be adhered to by all camp participants.


A special thanks to our partners that made our camp program possible

Golden Corridor MakerspaceNuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs2


Last Updated: 1/4/24