Harper College

Callout Box Formatted

The Callout Box Formatted snippet can highlight special announcements or be used to breakup long pages or special instructions. They appear as gray boxes within the main content area. They can contain formatted text, including links and headers.  The Callout Box Formatted differs from the plain Callout Box in that it is pre-formatted to include an image on the left with a header and text on the right.

How to Create a Callout Box Formatted

  1. Place the cursor on your page where you want to place the Callout Box Formatted.
  2. Click on the Snippet icon in your tool bar (it looks like a puzzle piece), then choose Callout Box Formatted.
  3. Edit the Callout Box Formatted as needed.
    1. To change the image, click on it and then click on the Image button on the toolbar.  Click on the arrow next to the Source field to choose a new image.


Header Text

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse leo nunc, pellentesque mattis euismod et, elementum ut erat. In ut nisi vel quam porttitor sollicitudin nec eget nibh. Donec rutrum eleifend enim. Sed rutrum eros erat, sed venenatis orci fermentum sed. Duis a dolor elementum, aliquet est vitae, sollicitudin nibh. Vestibulum laoreet tortor velit, quis hendrerit mi pellentesque id. Proin congue lectus quis mauris egestas malesuada. Etiam varius lorem ac risus eleifend, ac congue dui mollis.

Additional Guidelines

Please follow these recommendations for posting emergency information:

When posting information about emergency closures or other updates, please use a callout box at the top of your page, and include these additional guidelines:

  • Start with a date stamp so users know when the information was posted.
  • Keep the information simply stated and direct.
  • Avoid repeating information that is available through Harper's main emergency communications.
  • Link to the College's main advisory site (harpercollege.edu/advisory) for the latest information.
Last Updated: 1/4/24