Unit 1: Economics and Globalization

Lesson 1a: The Class and the Math


Welcome to ECO 212!

This course will cover the area of economics commonly defined as macroeconomics. The main goal of macroeconomics is to gain a better understanding of the causes of, and remedies for, UNEMPLOYMENT (UE) and INFLATION (IN), as well as the factors that affect ECONOMIC GROWTH (EG). We will also discuss the two types of economic growth, what I like to call "ACHIEVING THE POTENTIAL" and "INCREASING THE POTENTIAL".

Please buy the textbook as soon as possible. If you buy your textbook online, order it today. See the syllabus for the correct textbook. The textbook should cost less than $30 if you buy it online.

While you wait for your textbook to arrive there is still some work that you can do.

To begin, I suggest you do the following:

- read the syllabus

- check out our Blackboard site. Click on the menu links and see what is there

- take the Syllabus Quiz (see link on Blackboard)

- you may also begin some of the chapter 1 assignments,

+ see: LESSONS

+ especially the online reading: The 5Es of Economics

Email me or use the Blackboard Discussion Board if you have questions.

Many students end up dropping or failing this course due to the lack of basic math skills. If your math skills are weak you should consider building them before taking this course. If you are required to take MTH 060 or MTH 082 and have not yet done so, do not take this economics course until you have successfully completed one of them.

I have posted a math quiz on our Blackboard site. Take the math quiz on Blackboard. If you score less then 14 or 15, consider dropping ECO 212 and taking a math class first.

Good luck and start studying. 



Lesson 1a