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Life Threatening Injuries

Use the following symptom/situation guidelines and your personal experience to determine a life threatening emergency and when to call for emergency assistance:

  • Persistent or sudden chest pain
  • Breathing emergencies
  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Severe altered level of consciousness
  • Injuries from falling, severe head injuries, severe burns, etc.

Immediately dial 911.
Time is of the utmost importance.

For all types of injuries:

  • Keep the injured person as comfortable as possible until emergency help arrives. 
  • Do not move the person any more than is necessary for his/her safety.
  • Never administer liquids to an unconscious person. 
  • Do not remove objects that may be embedded in the person’s skin.


Have someone notify the employee’s supervisor of the incident. If the incident was due to a work related event, the supervisor should complete an Employee Incident Report and send it to Human Resources and Environmental Health and Safety. 


Emergency personnel will notify the student’s desired contacts. If the incident was due to a classroom related event, the instructor should complete a Student Incident Report and send it to Environmental Health and Safety.