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Transfer Fair Preparation

Attending a Transfer Fair is a great way to conduct your college search. Here are some useful tips that help you make the most of your fair experience.

1. Ask yourself: What kind of college experience do I want?
• Location (urban, suburban or rural, in state or out of state, how far are you willing to go?)
• Programs (Major and Minor)
• School Size
• Cost of attendance/Scholarship and Financial Aid packages
What other things are important to you in a college? Talk with your parents/significant others/friends/advisors and counselors.
Be sure to visit Harper’s Transfer Information page and Transfer Resource Page to help you define your college requirements.

2. Find out what colleges will be attending the fair.
Visit our Transfer Fair Page and create a list of colleges you will want to visit at the fair. Prioritize the list, so you can make sure you have enough time to visit the top schools.

3. Research colleges before attending the fair. Create a list of questions to ask at the fair. At the day of the fair:
1. Pick up a map and locate colleges that you want visit.
2. Introduce yourself to the admission representative. Make a good impression. Take notes and ask for their business cards. Collect any materials that are of interest to you. Thank the college representative for his or her time.
3. There will be colleges at the fair you may not have considered before. Go ahead and visit their tables. Ask questions to see if they are a good match for you. You may be surprised to find they offer interesting and attractive programs/options. If you cannot attend the fair for any reason, be sure to reach out to your counselor/advisor. Ask for the admission representatives’ contacts, handouts etc. Find out if your target college is coming back on campus for a future campus visit.

After the fair:
1. Review your notes and materials you collected. Write down further questions and follow up to get answers.
2. Schedule a campus visit for your top colleges.

Transfer College Fair is great resource for your transfer planning. Be sure to plan ahead and make your visit worthwhile!