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PSC 210: Topics in Political Science

Course Prefix

Course Number

Course Title


Credit Hours



Topics in Political Science


1 - 6

Course Description

Studies selected problems or topics in political science. The exact content and instructional methodology will vary from semester to semester depending on the material to be studied. A syllabus or course outline containing additional information will be available with preregistration materials each time that the course is offered. This course may be taken from one to six credit hours.

Topical Outline

The outline of the course can vary depending on the topic.

Method of Presentation

  1. Videotapes
  2. Simulations
  3. Field experience
  4. Class discussion
  5. Small group activities
  6. Films
  7. Guest speakers
  8. Lectures

Student Outcomes (The student should…)

Study a topic which may not be a part of an existing course content or which may be pursued in more depth than in an existing course.

Method of Evaluation

Depending on the topic, evaluation would include exams, papers, and oral presentations.


Textbook information varies depending on the topic.

Prepared by: Bobby Summers

Fall, 2008