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IT System Access

Logging In To A Harper College Workstation

  1. Log in to Windows by pressing [Ctrl] [Alt] [Delete] to access the log in dialog box
  2. Enter your username (first letter of your first name + the first seven letters of your last name*)
  3. Enter your password (for initial log in your password is the first letter of your first name - Upper case +first letter of your last name - lower case + the last 4 digits of your SSN (e.g., William Harper's password isWh1234.)
  4. Make sure “Log on to” domain is set to ADMDOM
  5. Press OK
  6. A dialog box which states “Windows is loading your personal settings” will appear briefly before yourworkstation desktop opens.

Note: There are some exceptions to the username format. Exceptions usually occur in cases where there is a past or current employee with your same name. Contact the Service Desk (X 4357/HELP) if your username/password does not work.

Changing Your Network Password

  1. Log in to Windows
  2. Press [Ctrl] [Alt] [Delete]. The Windows Security dialog box will appear.
  3. Click on CHANGE PASSWORD. The Change Password dialog box will appear.
  4. Enter current password in the OLD PASSWORD field. Press [Tab].
  5. Enter new password in NEW PASSWORD field
  6. Passwords must meet the following criteria:
    • Must be at least 6 characters in length
    • Must contain at least 1 capital letter, 1 lower case letter, and 1 number
    • May not be a password that has been used in the past year or obvious words such as "Harper", "password", your username, or any part of your name
    • May not contain spaces
  1. Press [Tab]
  2. Re-enter new password in CONFIRM PASSWORD field, press OK
  3. The Change Password dialog box appears with the message, "Your password has been changed." Click OK
  4. The Change Password on NetWare dialog box will appear
  5. The NetWare Network dialog will appear. Click OK
  6. Click CANCEL to close Windows Security dialog box


Initial Logins and Passwords for New Employees

Note: There are some EXCEPTIONS to the formats provided below. Exceptions usually occur in cases where there is a past or current employee with your same name. Contact the Service Desk (X 4357/HELP) if your username/password does not work.

When you change your password: All passwords must be at least 6 characters long and contain an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter and a symbol or number. You may not reuse a recently used password and the new password may not contain your name. After the 3rd incorrect password attempt, you will be locked out of the account and will need to call the Service Desk at x4357 for a reset.

Passwords for Windows, Oracle eBusiness Suite and the Student Information System will expire every 180 days. You will be prompted to reset your password at that time.

indows 7 (Desktop Login)
Login: First initial of first name plus the first 7 letters of your last name (e.g., William Harper's ID is wharper).

Password: Password: First letter of first name - Upper case + First letter of last name - lower case + last 4 digits of SSN (e.g., William Harper's password is Wh1234.)

 Ebusiness Suite (Employee Self Service, Time Entry, Payslip Look Up)
Login: First initial of first name plus the first 7 letters of your last name (e.g., William Harper's ID is wharper).

Password: First letter of first name - Upper case>+<First letter of last name - lower case>+<last 4 digits of SSN (e.g., William Harper's password is Wh1234.)

YHARPER Employee Portal (Employee Information, Harper News, Department/Division Links, Campus Announcements)

Login: First initial of first name plus the first 7 letters of your last name (e.g., William Harper's ID is wharper).

Password: First letter of first name - Upper case>+<First letter of last name - lower case>+<last 4 digits of SSN (e.g., William Harper's password is Wh1234.)

utlook Web Access (Webmail): (Off-Campus Email Access)
Login and Password: Same as your Windows login and password