Network and establish company contacts in your field
Gain a better understanding of the hiring process
Obtain in-person visibility
Build confidence in "selling yoursef"
Be prepared with the following tips:
Before the job fair, research the employers attending and impress them with your knowledge
of their company!
Dress professionally.
Prepare a professional resume and bring multiple copies. Consider creating targeted
versions to specific jobs you are interested in. Your resume should be clear, accurate,
easy to read and free of mistakes, typos, and incorrect dates.
Prepare questions to ask the employers. For example: What skills do you value most in employees? Who would be successful in this position? How soon are you planning on filling this position?
What are the next steps in the hiring process?
Use a nice folder or padfolio to hold your resumes, references and questions for employers.
Have your introduction prepared. Practice “Tell Me About Yourself.”
Arrive early. Give yourself enough time to talk to each employer – this is a great
networking opportunity. Talk to other job seekers as well!
Be polite, professional, positive and confident. Silence your phone. Try to speak
with employers one-on-one.
Smile, have a good handshake, look directly at the employer, and show your interest
by being enthusiastic.
Ask for the employer’s business card / contact information and collect company brochures,
pamphlets, etc...
Send a thank you note within 24 hours to each employer that you speak with and follow
through with any application directions given to you.
Keep in touch with the employers you met as you move through your job search.