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How to Prepare for a Live Video Interview

You can conduct a video interview on a computer with a webcam or using the Skype/Zoom/WebEx app on your phone or tablet.

Even though the interview is being conducted by webcam, this is a “real” live interview, and you should be as prepared as if you were sitting across the desk from the interviewer. In fact, you may have to prepare more! Make sure to dress professionally, clear a space for your video interview and ensure there is no background noise.

Office space
Be mindful of where you set up for your video interview. Be sure the area is free of visual distractions (clutter). Carefully consider what is in the background of your video interview. Make the background interesting, but not distracting.

Internet Presence
Check out your technology well in advance of the interview. Make sure you have Internet connectivity and that your webcam and microphone are working. You many also have to download the software if it is the first time you are using the application.

World Clocks
Clarify with the interviewer who will initiate the interview and double-check the username. Also be sure to account for any time zone differences.

Big Interview logoOne of the best things you can do to prepare for a live video is practice. Practice doing a couple of interviews using Big Interview (use your Harper email address to create your account). Check the lighting and your volume.