Student Rights and Responsibilities for Sign Language Interpreting/Captioning
As a student, you have a right to full accessibility to all information. If there
are any complaints or suggestions, please speak with the Interpreter/Captionist privately.
If there are any further issues, please contact the Coordinator of Interpreting/Captioning
Students have a right to an Interpreter/Captionist for all campus and course-related
events. A Custom Request must be made in the AIM portal as soon as possible for events.
ADS cannot guarantee an Interpreter/Captionist if the request is received less than
two (2) business days prior to the event.
Student Responsibilities
- Requests: Interpreting/Captioning requests should be submitted via the AIM portal two (2) weeks
prior to the beginning of the semester. Requests that are made within two (2) weeks
to the beginning of the semester are not guaranteed.
- Absences (real-time instruction only): As a student, you are expected to inform the ADS Office two (2) hours prior to the
beginning of the class. Please email the Coordinator of Interpreting/Captioning Services
- When notifying regarding an absence, please provide the following information:
- Your name
- Name of classes (E.g., MTH 103)
- Class times and days (E.g., Monday, 09:00 – 09:50 AM)
- Name of Interpreters/Captionists
- Are you the only Deaf student in the class?
- Tardiness (real-time instruction only): The Interpreter/Captionist will wait for fifteen (15) minutes after the class begins.
If you expect to be more than fifteen (15) minutes late for class, please contact
the ADS Office before class to preserve the Interpreter/Captionist.
- Course Withdrawal: Please consult with your Access Advocate and cancel services via the AIM portal.
Student No-Show Procedure (for real-time instruction only)
If you do not notify ADS after
- the first missed class, you will receive an automated email from AIM to your Student Email.
- the second missed class, you will receive a second automated warning email from AIM to your Student
- the third missed class, interpreting/captioning services are cancelled for this class only until
you consult with the Coordinator of Interpreting/Captioning Services within five (5) business days and services will be reinstated.
- the fourth missed class, interpreting/captioning services are permanently cancelled and if services
are further needed for this class, the student would need to complete a Custom Request
in the AIM portal on a class-by- class basis in order to receive services.