Harper College

Sample Graduate Profile

Congratulations, Harper Hawk!

Photo of Harper Hawk holding cap

Harper Hawk
Associate in Arts

What does graduation mean to you?

Graduation means to me that I'm one step closer to fulfilling my dreams. It means I made myself proud, my family proud.

What's the next step in your career or education?

I'm going to continue taking classes at Harper. I just love it here!

Who would you like to thank?

I would like to thank my family, especially my mom and dad for never giving up on me. I want to thank my teachers. Thank you for motivating me and always believing in me. 

Shout Outs

You're a rock star! Congratulations on your accomplishment, and best of luck in your future. 
Bill R. Harper, 5/5/2021


Last Updated: 1/8/24