Harper College

Police Training Opportunities


APCO Training Opportunities Co-Hosted by the Harper College Police Department

About APCO

APCO LogoAPCO International is the world’s oldest and largest organization of public safety communications professionals and supports the largest U.S. membership base of any public safety association. It serves the needs of public safety communications practitioners worldwide - and the welfare of the general public as a whole – by providing complete expertise, professional development, technical assistance, advocacy and outreach.

Registration information:

FLETC Training Opportunities Co-Hosted by the Harper College Police Department

FLETC logo

The Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC) provides career-long training to law enforcement professionals to help them fulfill their responsibilities safely and proficiently. Over the past 46 years, FLETC has grown into the Nation’s largest provider of law enforcement training. Under a collaborative training model, FLETC’s federal partner organizations deliver training unique to their missions, while FLETC provides training in areas common to all law enforcement officers, such as firearms, driving, tactics, investigations, and legal training. Partner agencies realize quantitative and qualitative benefits from this model, including the efficiencies inherent in shared services, higher quality training, and improved interoperability. FLETC’s mission is to train all those who protect the homeland, and therefore, its training audience also includes state, local, and tribal departments throughout the U.S. Additionally, FLETC’s impact extends outside our Nation’s borders through international training and capacity-building activities. To ensure the training it offers is up-to-date and relevant to emerging needs, FLETC’s curriculum development and review process engages experts from across all levels of law enforcement, and FLETC partners extensively with other agencies and stakeholders in training research and the exchange of best practices to ensure it offers the most effective training subject matter, technologies, and methodologies. 


Registration Information:

The Active Shooter Threat Training Program (ASTTP) is designed to provide the student with the knowledge and skills to successfully handle an active threat event. This program will provide the student with the proficiency and aptitude through hands on training to manage these situations. The program takes Active Shooter Threat Tactics Training to the next level utilizing dynamic interactive drills and scenario based training. This program is an intensive training program that covers a variety of tactical subject matters to include:  individual and team movement and operational formation. In addition, this program focuses on the role and responsibilities of the responding officers.

Van Meter

About Van Meter & Associates, Inc.

Mission: Everything we do we believe in changing the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. We change the status quo with thoroughly researched and developed programs and services that protect and advance the needs, hopes, and aspirations of the majority of amicable employees who come to work on a regular and predictable basis; who follow the rules; and give their employers a fair day's work. The most effective training subject matter, technologies, and methodologies.

Internal Investigations Function

Internal investigations are essential to the efficient operation of any public safety forces agency. Investigations of this nature are crucial to our democratic system of checks and balances. The lack of clear understanding of the due process principles that govern the investigators fail, cases are lost, and agencies are sued and discredited.

Topics include:

  • The essential principles of Constitutional Due Process in an Investigation
  • Review of three leading U.S. Constitutional cases affecting due process in internal investigations: Garrity v. State of New Jersy, 385 U.S. 493 (1967), Gardner v. Broderick v. Police commissioner of New Your City 392 U.S. 273 (1968), Kastinger v. United States, 406 U.S. 441 (1972).
  • Employee Representation
  • Avoiding civil torts and liabilities
  • Practical approaches to I.A. investigations
  • How to document the I.A. case

Students receive class outline, model forms, rules and certificate of attendance.

Absenteeism Control & Tracking System (ACTS)

This course is specifically designed for supervisors and managers who need an effective and defensible method for promoting attendance and establishing accountability for excessive and non-scheduled absenteeism. Learn how an agency reduced absenteeism over 40% by implementing this system.

Topics include:

  • Non-scheduled absenteeism
  • Cost of supervision
  • Work productivity

Attendees will receive as certificate of training, a class manual and hard copies of model forms and policies to use as a resource for developing and implementing this program with their agency.

Writing Well for Public Safety Forces

This course emphasizes writing narratives in the first person and eliminating unnecessary and distracting police jargon that adds nothing to the quality or value of the report. The emphasis is on writing a report for the audience that will use the information it contains. All personnel interested in improving their writing skills from the following agencies should attend:

  • Law enforcement
  • Fire services
  • 911 Emergency communications
  • Corrections

Topics include:

  • How to apply ten principals for writing factual and straight-forward narratives.
  • How to improve listening and questioning skills to separate facts from inferences and opinions.
  • How to apply basic and simple principles of grammar to produce proper reports.

Students receive a comprehensive course manual that can be used as a job-aid, handouts and certificate of training.

Last Updated: 5/7/24