Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
Membership in the Honors Program is a voluntary association and is a privilege, not a right. Students who are members of the Honors Program are expected to be role models and to abide by the Harper College Student Code of Conduct, all other college policies, and the behavioral expectations outlined in this document. Honors Program participants are expected to live up to the program’s values of independence, academic talent, intellectual curiosity, and persistence, and to help fellow members develop in these areas. As a result, the standards of behavior for Honors activities are higher than those required to be a student at Harper College.
These expectations apply to behavior while in Honors courses and while participating in Honors activities such as meetings and outings. If misbehavior occurs outside of Honors events, but the coordinator(s) determine that the behavior violates the Honors Program expectations or adversely affects the program or its reputation, it is also subject to the Honors Accountability Procedures. Behavior that violates the Harper College Student Code of Conduct may be referred to the student conduct process, in addition to being addressed through the Honors Accountability Procedures. As the Honors Program values academic integrity, any academic dishonesty by an Honors Program participant may be addressed through the campus academic dishonesty process and may also be grounds for removal from the Honors Program.
Students must refrain from all forms of disruptive behavior in the classroom and during all Honors meetings, events, and outings. Disruptive behavior is defined in the Student Code of Conduct as substantial or repeated interference of any college operation, including teaching and learning. In the Honors Program, this also includes any behavior that has the intent or impact of adversely affecting the learning experience of other students or that might detract from the experience of the Honors Program as an enriching learning environment. This includes but is not limited to behaviors such as: extreme rudeness, not complying with instructions from faculty, and not allowing others to participate in intellectual discourse.
As many Honors activities provide opportunities to learn about other cultures, whether through invited speakers or visits abroad, participants are expected to demonstrate cultural sensitivity during Honors activities.
Failure to live up to the expectations of the Honors Program can result in a range of consequences. For example, students may be removed or suspended from the Program, or they may be entered into a probationary status.
If a concern arises about an Honors Program participant’s behavior or other failure to live up to the program expectations, the Honors Coordinator(s) will review the concern and look into the situation. If it appears likely that a program expectation may have been violated, the Coordinator(s) will notify the student of the concern and offer the student an opportunity to meet to discuss the concern, review any relevant information, and provide his/her response.
This process may occur in writing, by phone, or in person, at the discretion of the Honors Coordinator(s). The student may have a silent support person who is a member of the Harper College community present during this process. This person’s role is limited to supporting the student. He/she may not represent or speak on the student’s behalf.
Following the meeting, the Coordinator(s) will provide the student with a written outcome, which will include:
If a student wishes to appeal the outcome(s), that appeal must be filed in writing within ten school days of the issuance of the outcome letter. The written appeal should be submitted to the Associate Dean of Interdisciplinary Programs (or designee).
Appeals can only be based on one or more of the following:
The Associate Dean of Interdisciplinary Programs or his/her designee will review all appeals and respond in writing within ten school days of the receipt of the appeal. The outcome of the appeal is final.