Harper College will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Harper College

Alignment of Employee Skills

Expand and support professional development opportunities to enhance employee knowledge and skills with respect to the strategic directions and goals.

Supporting Paragraph:

The enrichment of skills extends to all employees and includes the ability to pursue appropriate forms of relevant professional development. This goal places emphasis on inclusion for all employees, while promoting the acquisition of the knowledge and skills needed to support the College’s strategic plan. There should be consideration for allocating sufficient financial resources in order to afford a variety of learning opportunities to engage in relevant professional development, and it should be recognized that Harper College is indeed fortunate to include unique employees with unique needs.

Goal Targets 2016–19

  • Identify barriers to employee participation in professional development.
    >>Target Achieved
  • Implement a process for scaling up employee skills in relation to other teams' initiatives by fall 2017.
    >>Target Achieved
  • Increase the percent of employees who are satisfied with support, recognition, and value of professional development at Harper College by 5% from fall 2016 to fall 2019 (as measured by Personal Assessment of the College Environment (PACE) survey items).
    >>In Progress
  • Design an online dashboard to communicate professional development opportunities.
    >>Target Achieved
  • Develop materials and resources to train employees on the Flight of the Hawks for greater awareness of roles in supporting students.
    >>Target Achieved

Overall Accomplishments:

  • Established Soar Together onboarding experience that helps new employees learn about the mission of the College, the culture of providing support for student success throughout the College, and ways they enhance the student experience through their individual roles.
  • Conducted a survey to identify barriers to professional development. The survey indicated that employees were satisfied with the offerings for professional development at Harper College, but identified lack of time to participate as a barrier. In response, professional development on Sustaining the Professional Self for Deep Work workshop was implemented and will continue to be offered.
  • Created a rubric for scaling up Professional Development that is available on the employee portal and may be used to help identify and coordinate professional development needs at the College for the next strategic plan.
  • Created a professional development dashboard to identify professional development opportunities by topic and by employee group.

Annual Outcomes Reports:

Last Updated: 12/14/23