Harper College

IEM Targets

Identify IEM targets.

Final Target Status  > >Achieved

In FY2012, constituents from across the College joined in a campus conversation to recommend long-term IEM targets, to be achieved by FY2016. In order to select recommended targets for the IEMs, historical and comparison data were examined. Current institutional priorities and initiatives also guided the development of these targets. Recommended targets were set using a framework that included three categories.

  1. Expected - If we continue on our current path, this target represents the expected outcome.
  2. Improvement - A challenging, yet attainable target that can be achieved through increased effort.
  3. Stretch - A target achieved only if the measure is prioritized and institutional focus is placed on dramatic improvement.

The recommended targets were approved by the Board of Trustees in May 2012 and progress on the IEM targets is identified as:

In Progress - Needs Attention: This status indicates that based on current and trend data additional attention and effort is needed if the target is to be achieved by 2016.

In Progress - On Target: This status indicates that based on current and trend data it is projected that the 2016 target will be met.

Target Achieved: This status will not be selected until 2016. View the Institutional Effectiveness dashboard. 

View Institutional Effectiveness Dashboard.

Last Updated: 12/14/23