Harper College offices are currently closed for an all-campus meeting. Offices will reopen shortly after 10 a.m. to serve students.
The Illinois Constitution Exam requirement will be reinstated for high school equivalency certificates like the GED, but it will now be handled as a training module with a recording of the completion at the end.
The Constitution Module will be available beginning July 1, 2022 at http://ilconstitution.org/ . It is estimated it will take two hours for a student to complete. After completion of the Constitution Module, completers will be asked to provide information about themselves that will be used to match the completion with HSE records in the Illinois High School Equivalency Portal (Equivalency Portal). Completers will also be able to print or download a certificate showing the completion. It is recommended that completers not take the module until after completing at least one battery of HSE testing so they have a record in the portal.
Testing and Assessment Center
Building A, Room A148
On-Site Testing Hours (by Appointment Only)
Monday through Thursday: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Office Closed
The Testing Center is closed on college holidays.