Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
This fall Keely McEnery is entering her second year at Harper College. Keely is working toward her Associate in Arts with a focus in business. She maintains a 3.93 GPA through her first two semesters at Harper. After taking an interest in business entrepreneurship in her high school Business Incubator class, which her team won, she determined that business entrepreneurship would be her education and career focus. She hopes to transfer to Arizona State University after graduation from Harper.
Keely has volunteered in her community including at Community Threads, for a domestic violence organization, as a volunteer lifeguard and has been very involved in extracurricular activities such as being the captain of her high school’s improv team, Phi Theta Kappa, is currently on the Harper Speech team, and has gone back to District 211 to help judge speech competitions. She is a Promise Scholar and Distinguished Trustee Scholar.
In her application Keely says: “After graduating from my four-year institution, I want to create a business where I can help pave new trails into bringing more environmental awareness into the business world. I want to create products that use minimal unneeded plastics and substitute them for more biodegradable materials to help lighten our footprint on this planet. I could lead by example and help teach other businesses to do the same, having a positive effect on the future of our environment and our planet.”
Keely, you are amazing! xoxo
Cheryl Huizenga
Way to go, Keely! We are all very proud of you and wish you all good things!
Jill McEnery
I'm so proud of you Keely and very excited about the course of study and career choice you have made. It is evident that you are a leader and concerned about the environment and helping make the world a better place for everyone. Congratulations on your accomplishment so far.
Georgeanna Mehr
Way to go, Keely! All the best to you as you continue to grow and shine — making a difference in the world!
Vicki Atkinson
Congratulations Keely!
Laura Brown
Congratulations, Keely! We look forward to your bright future!
Shannon Hynes
Keely, Congratulations! You deserve the honor of receiving the scholarship. You seem like a very impressive person and I wish you continued success in your career.
Bess Nicholas