Professional Resources
The links below provide information that we think can be helpful to current, former
and future graphic arts students.
Social Media
Scholarship Resources and Competitions
Industry Links
- IPA: An association of graphic solution providers. They educate and inform The Graphic
Arts industry from concept to print to distribution.
- The Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation (PGSF): Formerly the National Scholarship Trust Fund (NSTF), is a not-for-profit, private,
industry-directed organization that dispenses undergraduate college scholarships and
graduate fellowship assistance to talented men and women interested in graphic communications
careers. The mission of the PGSF is "To strengthen the print and graphics industry
by providing scholarship assistance." Housed under the same roof as PIA/GATF, the
Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation (PGSF) has coordinated the printing industry's
largest scholarship program since its inception in 1956. Individuals, companies, and
associations provide scholarship funds to PGSF, which administers the scholarship
and fellowship programs for the industry. For more information contact PGSF at (412)
259-1740, toll free at (800) 910-4283, or email
- IDEAlliance is an established industry organization with a diverse and impressive membership
that has been developing, educating and validating best practices in publishing and
information technology for 40 years. Through special interest groups, conferences
and its active membership, IDEAlliance offers its members an inside track into how
the publishing and content-driven supply chain can and will be exploited to respond
to both traditional and emerging pressures to reduce cost, increase the top line,
and develop new lines of business.
- Great Lakes Graphics Association: Since 1886, the Great Lakes Graphics Association has represented the printing industry
and its allied partners. GLGA is a professional trade association representing members
in Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin that helps businesses achieve powerful results.
- packagePRINTING: This monthly magazine focuses on machinery and methods in the specialized field
of printing and converting packages, boxes, cartons, bags, tags and labels.
- Flexographic Technical Association: Founded in 1958, the Flexographic Technical Association, Inc. is a technical society devoted to the flexographic printing & in-line converting industry.
Since then, FTA has grown to include every employee at over 1400 company locations.
Members come from all aspects of the flexo industry, and include printers, suppliers,
graphic trade shops, consumer product companies, designers, end-users, consultants
and educational institutions.
Employment Links
- CareerOneStop: CareerOneStop is sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training
- Great Lakes Graphics Association Resumes: Students: Post your information here for a 90 day listing by using our on-line resume
form. Please be aware that resumes posted to this database may be accessed by any
GLGA member company (as Harper’s GRA Program is a member)
- Illinois State University Job Post Site Listing
- Harper College job board: See the Graphics Arts area
- Graphic Com Central: A graphic communication of occupations
- AIGA: AIGA, the professional association for design, is committed to furthering excellence
in design as a broadly-defined discipline, strategic tool for business and cultural
force. AIGA is the place design professionals turn to first to exchange ideas and
information, participate in critical analysis and research and advance education and
ethical practice.
Hardware and Software Resources