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In the spring of 2019, Aleska Schwartz completed her first year in the Engineering Pathways at Harper College. She has career goal of becoming a civil/environmental engineer.
Aleska maintains a 4.0 GPA and is a part of the Honors Program. She writes in her scholarship essay, “I am pursuing a career in civil/environmental engineering. I hope to be able to help our planet through the advancement of sustainable technology. I plan to work with renewables in order to reduce our consumption and combat the effects of climate change.”
- Aleska Schwartz
Aleska is active in Harper’s Society of Engineers where she is building a 30 lb. battle bot with five other students. She has also aided in the development of Harper’s new Makerspace and Entrepreneurship Center, an engineering lab located in Building H, with 3D printers and laser cutters which she helped build and set up. She volunteered at the annual Engineering Expo for prospective students.
After completing the Pathways program at Harper, Aleska plans to transfer to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She writes, “The excellent resources, professors, and peers that I have at harper have exceeded way beyond my expectations. I could not ask for a better opportunity and I know that I will be well prepared for UIUC along with my future career.”
Thank you for being a part of the movement to support Harper students as they realize their dreams. Learn more about scholarships at Harper College at the Harper College Educational Foundation website.