Harper College will be closed on Monday, January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Librarian, Professor, Coordinator of Library Collections
Library Liaison to: Art, Design & Performing Arts /
Liberal Arts, Language & Communication
Phone: 847.925.6882
E-mail: hk03621@harpercollege.edu
Office: F148
As Coordinator of Library Collections, it is my role to ensure that the collections support the curriculum and by extension encourage student success. On a daily basis I work toward building ties with faculty and promoting faculty participation in collection building. Collaboration between classroom faculty and librarians is an essential aspect of the teaching and learning process. A strong collection, paired with a librarian’s reference assistance and instruction, encourages student achievement.
Several new initiatives illustrate the innovative relationship the Harper librarians have with classroom faculty. Specifically the ebook pilot, embedded librarian program and workshops on Digital Library Resources for Online Course Design. The Harper librarians have a significant and essential role in teaching, learning and curricular support.
The Library has several goals that focus explicitly on collection development and collection enhancement.
Together the librarians set the vision for a collection that supports teaching and learning. We support the Library's Mission of, "responding to our patron's informational needs by developing, maintaining and providing access to a balanced collection of materials and services that reflects the full range of diversity of the college community."
As a Harper faculty member I am involved in College wide efforts, as well as several aspects of librarianship including: reference, instruction, collection development, acquisitions, serials, copyright, open access, marketing and archives. I have facilitated workshops for Harper faculty on collections and services, copyright, intellectual property, digital library resources for online and blended course design and Millennial students. Currently I serve on Harper's community of practice for open educational resources.
I serve on the Faculty Senate, have been Library Department Chair, and have chaired the Library's 5-year Program Review process multiple times. My experience on shared governance committees includes: Institutional Planning, Institutional Promotions, Intellectual Property, Diversity, Graduation, Green committee, Teaching & Learning, Tenure, Curriculum, and I currently serve on the College's Technology committee. I have also served on numerous Library committees: Higher Learning Commission, Facilities, Web Team, Marketing, promotions, peer review and search committees. I have participated in the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) by serving on the Serials and Acquisitions Team, and have chaired the CARLI Collection Management Committee.
That said, working with students is the most rewarding aspect of my job. There is nothing like helping a student achieve online or in-person, whether in the form of face-to-face research assistance, video conferencing, chat, or group instruction. A librarian’s work spans the entire curriculum; it requires broad and in-depth knowledge (the capacity to know something about everything!) computer savvy, honed interpersonal skills and a strong customer service philosophy.
I have a C.A.S. in Library Science from the University of IL Urbana-Champaign (2008), an M.S. in Library Science from UIUC (1999), a B.A. in English Literature and Spanish Language from UIUC (1997), and an A.A. from Harper College (1994).