Harper College

How to Get Involved in the 2020 Election

Hawk the voteThis year, Election Day (Tuesday, November 3) has been declared a state holiday in Illinois. Harper College, along with many other colleges, schools and government agencies will be closed. The state holiday provides an opportunity to participate in this year's election as a voter and/or an election judge. Here's how you can get involved:

Be an Election Judge

Students as young as 16 years old have the opportunity to serve as an election judge, a paid position. To learn more, visit the Cook County Clerk (or your local election authority):


Register and Vote

If you are a U.S. citizen and will be 18 years old by Election Day 2020, you may be eligible to vote. To learn more visit:


Check Your Voter Information

Not sure about whether or not you are registered to vote? Check your status, what offices you can vote for, where to vote, and who your elected officials are.


Find Election Information for Surrounding Areas

The links above are for suburban Cook County residents. If you don't live in the suburban Cook County, you can find similar information through your local election authority:



Last Updated: 3/14/24