Harper College will be closed on Wednesday, February 12 in observance of Lincoln's Day.
High school students and their parents are invited to see why more than a third of
area graduates turn to Harper College to begin their journey in higher education.
Hear from faculty about the variety of programs, visit with representatives of student support services, speak to a financial aid expert, and learn about getting a head start by taking summer classes. Breakout sessions will explore topics including how families can support their future college student’s experience, placement testing, and strategies to be successful.
Other sessions will feature engineering transfer options including Engineering Pathways and TAG, Harper’s guaranteed transfer agreements with the University of Illinois and University of Illinois at Chicago, as well as Harper’s apprenticeship programs, in which students earn a salary while they learn a career.
There will also be an opportunity to take a student-led campus tour.
To confirm your attendance and learn more, visit the High School Open House page or call Admissions Outreach at 847.925.6700.