Harper College

Behavioral Styles in the Workplace: Assessments

it computer training iconOverview

One way to enhance communication and collaboration in the workplace is to help your employees understand each other’s behavior and communication styles better. Several assessment tools are available for this, including the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the DISC four-quadrant behavioral model, and Kilman Conflict Management. Your organization can choose which assessment tool or tools to use, and your employees will benefit by learning about their style and their coworkers' styles.


Upon successful completion of this program, participants will be able to:

  • Adapt their style to effectively give and receive feedback.
  • Adapt their style to ask effective questions.
  • Use knowledge of behavior and communication styles to enhance communication with colleagues.
  • Appropriately deliver messages on difficult or sensitive topics.

Length: Most assessments can be completed within 1 hour and often are completed as part of a facilitated workshop.



Last Updated: 6/17/24