Health and Recreation Center Policies

The following general rules and policies are for the use of the Health and Recreation
Center (Building M). Violations may result in, but are not limited to, the following
actions: removal from the building, suspension of membership privileges and/or referral
to the Harper College Police. All other policies can be accessed by clicking on the
links below.
General Rules
- All new members must activate their membership at the Welcome Desk prior to entry.
Requirements include:
- complete registration information
- signature of electronic waiver
- photo (taken by Welcome Desk staff)
- Harper I.D. card or key card activated
- Anyone entering the building must check-in at the Welcome Desk before accessing other
areas; the exception are Harper students accessing the Upper Level classrooms.
- A valid membership and a Harper I.D. or membership key tag are required for access
to the facility; the exception are Harper students accessing the Upper Level classrooms.
Members may use the app as proof of membership; members are also required to have
photo I.D. at all times.
- The use of any and all tobacco products is prohibited in the facility. Additionally
Harper College has a smoke/tobacco free environment which prohibits use in and on
College premises per the following policy:
- Use, distribution, or possession of any illicit drugs, unauthorized prescription drugs,
alcohol or controlled substances is prohibited on the premises, and internal sanctions,
federal and state legal penalties may result from violations.
- Patrons may only enter and exit via the main entrance located on the north side of
building. All other exits are for staff and/or emergency use only.
- Injuries, accidents or equipment failures must be reported to the Building Manager.
- Only personal trainers and instructors approved by the Department of Campus Recreation
are permitted to provide services in the facility.
- Mature and respectful conduct is expected and required at all times.
- Disorderly conduct, abuse of the facility, equipment, or staff and/or disregard for
the Health and Recreation Center policies will result in immediate dismissal from
the facility. Additional sanctions may include:
- Disciplinary action, reimbursement for damages and/or potential suspension from the
facilities and programs.
- A user asked to leave by the staff will not be refunded any paid fees.
- All patrons must comply with staff directives. The Campus Recreation staff has authority
regarding facility conduct and use of equipment as well as in all emergency situations.
- Failure to comply may result in suspension or termination of Health and Recreation
Center privileges.
- The Department of Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Personal
belongings are not permitted in activity areas and must be kept in a locker.
- Mopeds, bicycles and electric scooters are not permitted inside the facility.
- Skateboards, roller-skates, roller blades and non-electric scooters are not permitted
to be operated in the facility under any circumstances.
- Animals are not permitted in the facility except for the express purpose of assisting
or aiding persons with disabilities.
- Any announcements, fliers, posters, or any other marketing materials must be submitted
to the Director of Campus Recreation for approval before being displayed in the facility.
- No prolonged public displays of affection permitted in any areas of the Health and
Recreation Center.
- Please consult a physician prior to engaging in physical activity. The Department
of Campus Recreation is not responsible for accidents or injuries that occur due to
the nature of activity.
- Members are permitted to be accompanied by a Caregiver/Personal Attendant if they
require physical assistance or constant supervision prior to, during, or after a workout
Click here to view the Facility Policies.
Click here to view the Privacy Policy.